Tag: P-47

15 Most Important WWII Aircraft

15 Most Important WWII Aircraft

WWII was the first conflict that saw mass uses of aircraft. As such, it should stand to reason that there are a lot of WWII aircraft, all of whom played their part during the war. But which played the most significant role? Over the course of the war, a staggering 750,000 aircraft were built. The vast majority of these saw conflict, as fighters, bombers, reconnaissance aircraft etc. However, a large minority were prototypes for new aircraft as well! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Supermarine Spitfire For most Brits, the Supermarine Spitfire has been engrained into them as one of the best WWII aircraft. Indeed, for many in Britain, the only reason they weren't conquered by Germany was because of the Spitfire! In 1936, Supermarine were con...
P-47 vs P-51: America’s Best WWII Fighter?
Aircraft Compare

P-47 vs P-51: America’s Best WWII Fighter?

During WWII, the Republic P-47 and North American P-51 served alongside one another in almost every battle. Since the end of the war, and the retirement of the aircraft, people have wondered which was better, the P-47 or the P-51? A while ago, we covered the Hurricane and Spitfire, by all accounts, the British equivalent to the dynamic duo of the iconic Thunderbolt and Mustang. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); P-47 vs P-51: What is a Fighter? Today, the term "fighter aircraft" has become a very term. Today, the general public believes that any small, comparatively fast aircraft is a fighter aircraft, when that is simply not the case. For the most part, this is due to a few wildly successful aviation-themed movies. Perhaps the worst culprit of...