Tag: Comet

De Havilland Comet: The First Jet Airliner You’d Never Want to Fly on
Aircraft Digest

De Havilland Comet: The First Jet Airliner You’d Never Want to Fly on

In 1952, British aircraft manufacturer de Havilland shocked the world. They released the de Havilland Comet, the world's first jet airliner. This single aircraft revolutionized the aviation industry, with it never being the same again! Despite this, you would never want to fly on a Comet! But why exactly is that? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pre-Comet Prior to the Comet, jet aircraft were only relatively new. In 1930, Frank Whittle had invented the jet engine. These engines were first used on military fighter jets, designed during WWII, although entering fairly late. All commercial aircraft prior to the Comet had been piston-driven, with the most common long-range airliner being the Lockheed Constellation. Other long range aircraft like th...