Tag: Captain Jetson

13 of the best aviation websites you should follow!

13 of the best aviation websites you should follow!

Since the beginning of the internet, there have been aviation websites. Many have long since gone. But many more have started, and have become the best aviation websites on the internet! Today, we will explain who and what they are! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Captain Jetson In May 2018 Captain Les, more frequently known as 'Captain Jetson', founded the site after his own nickname. The site primarily focuses on writing about the latest goings-on in the airline industry. However, due to Captain Jetson's unique position of having been a commercial airline pilot since 1987, Captain Jetson also answers aviation related questions too! (Much in the same fashion to some of the posts we write here, such as "What is an avgeek?") 2. Disciple...