Tag: airlines go out of business

Why airlines go out of business…

Why airlines go out of business…

More airlines went out of business in 2019, with many more yet to come. Many people wonder the reasons airlines go out of business, yet few know the answer. Here's why... Naturally, there is no single event or reason that causes airlines to go out of business. Usually, they all play a part, it's just some are more potent to the airline than others! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Bad management Gary Kelly is one of the few airline managers who isn't considered to be bad. Photo courtesy of Eric Garcetti via Flickr Often, bad management is cited as the most common reason why airlines go out of business. It may have nothing to do with the pilots and other staff, that causes the airline to collapse. It might just be that the people running t...