Tag: a321

15 Safest Aircraft Models from History
Aircraft Digest

15 Safest Aircraft Models from History

A while ago we covered the most dangerous aircraft. Today, we will cover which are the safest aircraft models from history, and which you can still fly on! Whilst some of these aircraft have been involved in accidents, even some high profile ones, these aircraft have the lowest fatal crash rate per million flights. If you find yourself flying on one of these aircraft, you know that there's a strong likelihood you won't crash! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 15. Boeing 757 The 757 was developed with the same technology as the 767. Just like the 767, the 757 is one of the safest aircraft you can fly on! Just as with the 767, the 757 has been involved in its fair share of aviation accidents. Perhaps the most notable of these was when two Boei...
What is the future of aviation? Aviation in 10 years…

What is the future of aviation? Aviation in 10 years…

We have had aviation for over 100, since the Wright Brothers first flew in 1903, but what about the future of aviation? What can we expect of aviation in the next 10 years or so?  The future of aviation can really be broken down into 5 key points:  Environmental  Speed Efficiency  Size The death of the Hub and Spoke theory  What is the future of aviation environmentally? Aviation has grown exponentially in the last 10 years, but the next 10 years will be the most significant for the industry.  Aviation is currently the main focus of environmental activist groups. They believe that not enough is being done to curb the amount of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere by our aircraft. This is something that they believe has to change now.  They propose that regional ...
Will the Airbus A321xlr be the final nail in Boeing’s coffin?

Will the Airbus A321xlr be the final nail in Boeing’s coffin?

Airbus released their newest jet at the Paris Airshow this week. The jet is to be called the A321xlr, and it is meant to be the ideal alternative for those airlines who are struggling due to the 737 MAX. So, will the A321xlr finally be the nail in Boeing's coffin? The A321xlr is a direct competitor aircraft to the 737 MAX, which is currently grounded due to problems surrounding the MCAS System.  (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Airbus A321xlr origins In 2018, Airbus was reassessing its A320 family of jets. It noticed that whilst the A320LR and A321LR were doing well, airlines were demanding that it went further, and had better fuel efficiency. To that end, Airbus began to research the possibilities, and realized that this was certainly possible for...