Aircraft designs have changed vastly since the days of the Wright Brothers. Since then, there have even been several different types of aircraft that weren’t even ideas when the Wright Brothers were around!
Commercial Airliners
There are several different types of commercial airliners, these include:
Turboprops are the lightest of all the different types of aircraft. They are also the lightest, which makes them perfect for short runways at regional airlines.
In fact, once most turboprops are able to take off and reach cruising altitude, they are actually safer than jet engines. This is down to the fact that there are no negative influences on the aircraft that can cause a mid-air breakup.
Turboprop engines are also more fuel efficient than jet or piston engines, whilst also being more reliable in the case of the latter. The result has been that turboprops are used on the shortest regional routes.
Light Jets
Light passenger jets are the same as turboprops, with one major difference: jet engines rather than turboprop ones. These aircraft are marginally more expensive to operate than turboprop aircraft, making them a favorite of LCCs.
However, these jets can serve a business/first class for legacy carriers, or have the aircraft in an all-economy configuration for low-cost carriers (LCCs), which has also made them a favorite of legacy carriers.
As such, these jets are used on regional routes that often require more seats or a longer ranging aircraft than what a turboprop aircraft can offer, or need to be serviced in a faster manner.
Mid-Size Jets
Larger than light jets, but not necessarily the largest aircraft, mid-size jets are the most diverse type of aircraft on the planet. Often, these aircraft see a lengthened fuselage and an extended range when compared to light jets.
On the smaller end of the scale, these jets can be used by low-cost carriers on medium haul transcontinental routes. On the higher end of the scale, these jets can be used on long haul transatlantic routes.
As such, these jets can have vastly differing ranges- from 7100km (3850 nmi, 4400 mi) to 13,500 km (7,300 nmi, 8,400 mi). This is excluding the vastly differing speeds- 0.8 Mach to 0.925 Mach.
Jumbo Jets
The jumbo jet is perhaps one of the most famous of all the different types of aircraft. Jumbo jets are long range, wide body and double deck passenger aircraft, originating in 1969 with the introduction of the 747.
Originally, this type of aircraft was the only type that could fly long haul transcontinental routes, due to pre-ETOPS regulations, however, these have since been lifted.
In recent years, these aircraft have fallen out of favor with many carriers- they have become too expensive to operate and people just don’t want to fly from the select airports that can accommodate them.

Once many mid-size and jumbo jets get too old to operate for commercial airlines, they get scrapped or they are sold. The majority of the time, these aircraft get sold to cargo airlines.
These cargo airlines then remove the interior of the aircraft, where the passengers used to sit. Using the series of runners, holes and bolts already in the shell of the aircraft, pallets and other types of freight are hauled.
Larger cargo airlines, with large clienteles and cargo sometimes buy brand new, dedicated cargo variants of aircraft. The largest of these variants include the 747-8F, 777F and A330-200F.
Private jets
Ever since the first private jet was invented, there have been many different types of private jet, including:
Very Light Jet
The designation of “Very Light Jet” (VLJ) is actually a very recent occurrence. Whilst many “Light Jets” have been retroactively designated as a “Very Light Jet”, the first VLJ was the Eclipse 500, released in 2006.
VLJs are often the smallest private jets in terms of size. Due to this smaller size, VLJs often has the shortest range and slowest speeds of any private jet, sometimes being slower than commercial turboprops.
Thanks to the shorter range, slower speed as well as being a shorter aircraft, all original VLJs released to date only need one pilot! Many VLJs similarly have one seat in the cockpit, as well, as opposed to the usual two.
Light Jet
Until 2006, a “Light Jet” (LJ) was the smallest private jet you could buy. Similarly to the VLJ, most light jets have very short ranges and fly slower than many other types of aircraft.
The similarities to VLJs don’t end there either. Most light jets are able to fly with only one pilot, although have two seats in the cockpit rather than one. They are most commonly used between small airports or those with noise restrictions.
Due to its small size, limited range and slow speed, light jets are often seen as entry level private jets. As a result of this, light jets are a little more expensive than VLJs but are still very cheap.
Mid-Size Jets
Many mid-size jets are some of the cheapest private jets in the world. As the name would imply, these jets are in the middle of the market- they aren’t as big as some other private jets, but they are bigger than VLJs and LJs.
Mid-size jets often feature extended ranges, fuselages and faster speeds than LJs and VLJs. Many of these jets have the ability to travel over both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans without needing to refuel.
Due to this, mid-size jets are often slightly more expensive than smaller jets. These jets are the most produced of their, due to their attractive pricing and specs that celebrities and businessmen want!
Super Mid-Size Jets
As you might have guessed, a “Super Mid-Size Jet” is a mid-size jet that is both bigger, faster and has a longer range than a typical mid-size jet. These are most commonly the smallest and cheapest of the most expensive private jets.
Super mid-size jets have become a favorite of larger businesses and many famous celebrities. This is due in part to the price tag of the jets being fairly high, yet still affordable.
It is also in part due to the aircrafts’ amenities which are often a lot more, and better quality than smaller private jets. Often, their ranges far exceed mid-size jets and are perfect for any business or celebrity!
Large Jets
When it comes to the different types of aircraft, especially the different types of private aircraft, large jets are what most people tend to think of. These are the private jets that truly say “successful”.
Among the ranks of large jets are the G650, Falcon 7X/8X, G600, Challenger 600 and Global Express 6000. These jets often have specifications that are suited for you to fly almost anywhere from anywhere.
The result has been the businessmen and celebrities all over the world have bought the large jets. Large jets have also seen interest from the military too, becoming VIP transport as well as military trainers.
Bizliners often make some of the most expensive private jets on the planet. As the name would imply, bizliners are passenger airliners converted for use as private jets.
Most bizliners were once commercial airliners, such as 747s, 737s, A320s, A340s and A380s. Businessmen and celebrities alike bought retired airliners and converted them to private jets, think about Donald Trump or Kim Kardashian.
Following this, Boeing and Airbus both released their own programs to do this with new airliners. These were the Boeing Business Jet and Airbus Corporate Jet programs respectively. Embraer too did the same with their Lineage 1000E (Embraer E190 airliner).
Since the Wright Brothers’ first flight, generals and military strategists the world over, have tried to use aviation for military purposes, with some of the fastest and most famous types of aircraft being military aircraft.
The principle type of aircraft for most militaries, in particular, most air forces is comprised of jets these days. Military jets come in two different sizes: long range jets and fighter jets.
Long range jets are often militarized versions of commercial airliners. These jets tend to operate in a variety of different roles, from airborne early warning (AWACS) to tankers to VIP transport.
Fighter jets are the most common type of jet in most air forces and navies. These aircraft are mostly used for dogfights and protection of assets however, some fighter jets can also be used as light bombers in certain cases.
Turboprops are also fairly common in most modern militaries. These turboprops often serve similar functions to the long range jets, however, just on shorter routes and in a smaller capacity.
Most commonly, military turbojets serve as cargo aircraft. This is mostly due to their speed, size and relative cheapness to operate. Many of the most famous military turboprops are over 40 years old, and are still in service.
However, military turboprops also serve in various other capacities, including: airborne early warning (AWACS), tanker, reconnaissance, VIP transport and jet/turboprop trainer.
General Aviation Aircraft
Many aviators similarly have their own types of aircraft.
Single Engine
Despite single engine aircraft seemingly being outdated, they make up almost 30% of the aircraft in the US. These aircraft can be jet, turboprop and piston-powered.
These aircraft have become particularly popular in recent years- rising fuel prices have made it so that it is quite expensive to fly as a hobby, and one engine is much cheaper than two or three!
Plus, single engines can still get to the same airports that regular two or three engine aircraft can. With that though, single engine aircraft tend to come with shorter ranges and slower speeds.

Aerobatic aircraft have become a favorite of former military stunt pilots. For some reason, aircraft designed solely for high-speed maneuvers reminds them of the high-speed maneuvers they were used to as a stunt pilot!
These aircraft are able to to fly not only at high speeds, but also perform high g turns, dives and rolls. These aircraft are often much lighter than various different types of aircraft.
As such, many of these aircraft have become famous at air shows, often being used in one man stunt teams or as several person stunt team- think the aircraft that stunt teams like Breitling use.
The concept of landing on water has been with humans for generations- since the Bible first became widespread. These types of aircraft are designed to fulfill that dream and purpose.
Whilst most of these aircraft have the ability to land on a regular runway, they are most commonly used to land of freshwater lakes and seas. If properly configured, these aircraft can also land on ice and/or snow.
These aircraft are most commonly seen on trips to extremely cold or icy countries and/or places such as the North and South Poles, as it is simply far easier to land on ice in these aircraft than on the ice with a non-amphibious aircraft.
Retired Military
When the military have finished with an aircraft, they do one of two things with them: sell them to the general public or store/scrap them. Most often, the military try the first, and what remains is often stored/scrapped.
Many of these retired military aircraft- especially retired fighter jets, end up in the hands of former military pilots and aviation enthusiasts. These aircraft are often used similarly to how aerobatic aircraft are used.
Some of these jets are used by people who just want to travel around the world at Mach 1. Some of these jets are used by people who want to experience Mach 1 for the first time. Others, are just used by people flying to and from airshows!
Since the introduction of the first helicopter, there have been several different types of helicopters.
Some of the first helicopters were designed to transport people and things to and from places. Many helicopters produced today still have the purpose of transporting people and things between two points.
Many transport helicopters have become favorites of cargo airlines who use transport helicopters to transport high-value cargo over short distances where traditional cargo aircraft can’t get to.
Other transport helicopters have become favorites of air charter companies, or so-called helicopter airlines. These helicopters are used to transport VIP individuals over large cities or terrain that traditional aircraft can’t.
Since Igor Sikorsky invented the first helicopter, many subsequent helicopters have served in utility roles- the “Jack of all trades” for helicopters so to speak.
Utility helicopters serve in a variety of roles, just the way they were intended to. As such, you can find utility helicopters serving in roles such as crop dusting and aerial firefighting.
However, the majority of utility helicopters serve in cargo transportation roles, however, transporting larger and more cargo than cargo-transporting transportation helicopters do.
Since the invention of helicopters, militaries the world over have devised ways of using helicopters for military uses. Whilst both transport and utility helicopters exist in the military, that isn’t all they are used for.
Many transport helicopters have become troop carriers or in some cases search and rescue as well as being a combat helicopter. Many utility helicopters have been used as medical evacuation and ground attack during military service.
Some dedicated military helicopters have since become private transport and/or utility helicopters, either in their own right or after their military service. Some other military helicopters are militarized variants of civilian helicopters.
Drones are not just one of the newest types of aircraft, but the newest type of aircraft all together. Whilst the first “drones” technically first flew in 1917, the first modern drones flew during the 1980s.
Even since the first “drones”, they have been used almost exclusively for military purposes, either as a spy aircraft or as a target. Today, however, modern drones are used mostly for spying rather than target practice.
Unlike most other types of aircraft, it is actually possible for a regular person to purchase a drone! A quick Google search will show that you can get a drone for only a couple of hundred dollars.
Which different types of aircraft are your favorite? Tell me in the comments!