Airlines, just as with any service, some are loved and others are hated. However, some are more hated than others. So what are the most hated airlines?
These airlines are in no specific order. Often, they receive poor reviews from passengers and business travelers alike.
13. Air Europa
Air Europa is the main contender the the Iberia throne. Air Europa hopes to become the flag carrier of Spain one day, however, it has as of yet, not managed to do that.
Air Europa is often considered to be one of the most hated airlines due to its staff. Where most airlines try to give their passengers the best user experience possible, Air Europa has been known not to do that.
Air Europa has been known to have major altercations between airline employees and passengers, some even getting to the point of violence.
Air Europa has also had a major issue with liquidity in recent years, so have cut down on many major non-essential services.
The result has been that many passengers have become frustrated by paying legacy carrier prices for what seems to be a low cost carrier experience.
12. Southwest
Despite Southwest Airlines being one of the most successful airlines, it is perhaps one of the most hated airlines in the world.
Southwest does indeed have some of the most loyal fans in the world. However, this doesn’t protect it from being intensely hated by many passengers.
Just as with many other airlines, Southwest uses the no frills philosophy. For many travelers, this has allowed them to fly at a much more affordable price than legacy carriers do.
However, in order to remain profitable, Southwest has a few crazy fees. To those who have been affected by those fees, or who believe they are unreasonable, this has been a cause for contention.
As such, Southwest has received countless bad reviews. Almost as many bad reviews as good reviews.
11. TAP Portugal
TAP is the flag carrier of Portugal, despite this fact, TAP has perhaps more haters than it truly deserves… or maybe not depending on your point of view.
As TAP is a legacy carrier, they have begun to feel the pinch that airlines like Ryanair have had on their business. They know that they need to modernize and innovate in order to stay competitive.
Following that philosophy, they have revamped their entire fleet to be more modern, but also to compete with Ryanair. TAP aircraft now consist of more seats in total, that have a smaller seat pitch.
TAP also has a reputation for being incredibly late, both in terms of their delays on the ground and in the ground. In fact, they rival Ryanair for how late they are to their destination.
10. Delta

Delta is perhaps a major shock on this list. Delta is one of the big four airlines in the US. Delta has its fair share of lovers, but more than enough haters to go along with it.
As with many legacy carriers, Delta has felt the pinch that low cost carriers have caused in recent years. In order to combat that, Delta have introduced several measures that help to ensure profitability.
Delta is well known for having several delays, and connecting flights are an absolute nightmare! If you want to fly to the other side of the world, and you choose Delta, make sure it is non-stop.
Some of Delta’s money-saving schemes have included cutting down on complimentary snacks and drinks as well as using cheaper and flimsier materials to make their headphones and goodiebags.
Whilst this may make sense for the airline’s profitability, this has served to anger passengers who have left increasingly negative reviews of Delta in recent years.
9. Ryanair
Ryanair is perhaps one of the cheapest and most hated airlines on the planet. Thanks to how cheap it is, it has allowed many in Europe to fly for much cheaper than what other legacy carriers would charge.
As with Southwest, Ryanair certainly has its fair share of loyal fans. But just as with Southwest, Ryanair has a large amount of detractors. Just as with Southwest, Ryanair operates the “No Frills” philosophy.
This philosophy allows many travelers who couldn’t otherwise, to travel!
However, just like Southwest, Ryanair is incredibly hated. In order to maintain profitability, Ryanair has several methods. The most talked about issue is their astronomical fees, which they have for almost everything.
The second most talked about issue is their staff. It’s well known that their staff have to do several flights per day, which can lead to them being irritated by annoyed passengers, which often ends up on the news.
These two issues combined has led to Ryanair being one of the most hated airlines in the UK and the world. In fact, Ryanair has often been rated as the most hated airline in Europe!
8. Frontier
Frontier is a low cost startup that hopes to imitate the success that Southwest has had in recent years. In an attempt to pursue that goal, they have created their fair share of haters.
For starters, they operate the airline practice of overbooking. However, they take this to an extreme often times. Sometimes you can find that two or even three people are booked into one seat on the same flight.
As with many low cost carriers, Frontier is plagued by delays. A delay at 6 am can cause a chain reaction on the entire day’s operation. And a delay at 6 am is commonplace with Frontier’s operations.
Just like many low cost carriers, the reason for Frontier’s profitability lies in their fees. For Frontier, they make sense, however, for those who have been caught in their grasp, it leaves a bad taste in their mouth.
Because of all of these factors, Frontier is often considered to be one of the most hated airlines in the world.
7. Wizz Air
Wizz Air is a Hungarian startup airline, founded in 2003. Despite it being relative young, Wizz Air is actually the flag carrier of Hungary, albeit because it’s the only airline in Hungary.
Despite being the Hungarian flag carrier, Wizz Air is actually one of the most hated airlines in the world. Just as with Southwest and Ryanair, Wizz Air operates a “No Frills” policy.
As with Ryanair and Southwest, Wizz Air has a seemingly ridiculous fee system. In fact, many of these fees are almost double what the price of the flight is.
And the worst part of this is that most of these fees are well hidden. Unless you do thorough research beforehand, you could find yourself with fees upwards of €50.
It’s because of this, that Wizz Air is considered to be one of the most hated airlines and often receives its fair share of negative reviews.
6. United
United is perhaps an airline that seems a little out of place here. United is one of the world’s biggest airlines and is one of the big four airlines in the US.
United has its fair share of lovers and its fair share of haters. As a former United pilot myself, I find it incredibly easy to understand why people hate them.
For starters, United is the airline that is the most late out of the big four airlines in the US. United is also shrinking seating and limiting upgrades, even when business and first class aren’t full.
United also has a bit of a reputation for having incredibly rude flight attendants. I once remember a flight attendant I flew with having a MAJOR argument with a passenger in business class over a glass of water!
All of this culminates in poor user experiences and negative reviews.
5. Alitalia
Alitalia is the Italian flag carrier. However, the fact that it is the Italian flag carrier has not stopped it from becoming one of the most hated airlines in Europe and the rest of the world.
Alitalia has had several major liquidity issues in recent years, that has seen hedge funds, private investors and the Italian government take ownership of the airline.
The result has been that the investors, hedge fund managers and the Italian government have changed parts of the airline around.
Alitalia was one of the first to get rid of several non-essential complimentary items. Alitalia was one of the first airlines to revamp their interiors to include more and smaller seats.
Whilst this has helped in the short term to financially stabilize the airline, it has done little for the airline’s public image. In fact, it has done the opposite.
People understood why they removed complimentary goods. It wasn’t because they were helping the environment, they were helping their bottom line.
People understood the real reason why Alitalia revamped their interiors. It wasn’t to make it more modern, it was to add more and smaller seating.
All of this has resulted in a poor public mage and being one of the most hated airlines in the world, let alone Europe!
4. Scoot

Scoot is Asia’s largest low cost carrier. Scoot gets perhaps one of the worst raps for being a bad airline. However, this has not prevented it from becoming the most widely used LCC in Asia.
Some of the reasons why Scoot is hated are justifiable.
Scoot is well known for its delays. Many of Scoot’s flights get delayed due to weather constraints- extreme wind, fog, ice and rain are all extremely common in Asia.
Scoot Airlines is also well known for its texts. Many airlines hate it when you bring your own food and drink, however, Scoot takes it to the next level.
Scoot sends its passengers texts at the airport reminding them that they can’t bring their own food and drink on the airline. That is to say that it is against company policy to do that.
These have resulted in Scoot being one of the most hated airlines in the world.
3. Allegiant
Allegiant, just as with many airlines on this list is a low cost carrier. As with many low cost carriers, people hate Allegiant because of many reasons.
For starters, Allegiant has had major issues regarding customer care, safety and treatment. Many poor reviews of Allegiant have pertained to the fact that Allegiant staff have been less than polite to passengers.
As with many low cost airlines (and airlines in general), there has been an issue regarding seat pitch. Many people believe that Allegiant seats (as they’re all in an economy configuration) are too small.
This, combined with the seemingly less than stellar passenger experience has led to more than its fair share of passenger complaints and poor reviews.
2. Icelandair
Icelandair is the flag carrier of Iceland. However, just as with Wizz Air and Alitalia, this has not prevented Icelandair from the hatred.
Personally, I actually really like Icelandair. I love their 757 and 767s and the fact that they are one of a diminishing number of airlines that operate both aircraft.
However, others don’t agree with me.
As with many legacy carriers, Icelandair has felt the pinch in recent years. Low cost carriers have made it incredibly difficult to remain as profitable as they once were.
As such, Icelandair has implemented a number of measures to help their bottom line… at the expense of the passengers. Chief among them is the “cattle packing” that has occurred in recent years.
This is where Icelandair have revamped their aircraft interiors, not only to look more modern but also to have more seats. This has helped their bottom line, but has made passengers angry.
1. Spirit
Spirit gets a bad rap for being one of the worst airlines in the world, just as Southwest and Ryanair do. In fact, Spirit is often called the American Ryanair.
Spirit, just like Ryanair and Southwest, operates a “No Frills” policy. However, this “No Frills” policy is a very extreme form of it. This is the reason why Spirit’s aircraft engines read “Home of the bare fare”.
Spirit often receives poor reviews because of their “No Frills” policy. People don’t like that Spirit makes it so difficult to get what you’d like.
People don’t like that they have to pay for everything, ranging from priority boarding to drinks to comfier seats.
Spirit also doesn’t have the best record for customer service. Just as with Ryanair, they make their staff do several flights a day. This often leads to the staff being tired and often get irritated by annoying passengers.
This all leads to poor customer service and thus poor reviews. This also leads to Spirit Airlines being one of the most hated airlines in the world.
Which is the most hated airline in your opinion? Tell me in the comments!
Featured image courtesy of Thomas Naas via Flickr.