Since the beginning of the internet, there have been aviation websites. Many have long since gone. But many more have started, and have become the best aviation websites on the internet!
Today, we will explain who and what they are!
1. Captain Jetson
In May 2018 Captain Les, more frequently known as ‘Captain Jetson’, founded the site after his own nickname. The site primarily focuses on writing about the latest goings-on in the airline industry.
However, due to Captain Jetson’s unique position of having been a commercial airline pilot since 1987, Captain Jetson also answers aviation related questions too! (Much in the same fashion to some of the posts we write here, such as “What is an avgeek?“)
2. Disciples of Flight
Disciples of Flight was built by aviation enthusiasts and (aviation) veterans Jim Hoddenbach and Bryan Stewart. Together, they aim to be the sort of place where pilots, ground crew and anyone else interested in aviation, can come and read about the industry they love!
Their love for the industry has led them to bring on new members of the team. All of these new team members have distinct and varied backgrounds in the aviation industry, which has led to some truly breath-taking articles!
3. International Aviation HQ

I’m sorry. It’s generally frowned upon to put your own site on a list like this, but I couldn’t resist! International Aviation HQ aims to be the place where you can get all of your aviation questions answered.
We also aim to be the place where future aviators come to discover more about their passion! Frequently, we post aviation history articles, aircraft digests and much more aviator-related content!
4. Sam Chui
Well known aviation enthusiast, traveler and youtuber, Sam Chui’s website is often the place where future aviators can be found. His unique way of reporting aviation and travel news has attracted many followers.
His videos in particular (an extension of his site) show his deep found passion for the aviation industry. Many of them show all of his emotions towards the title of the video. Many of his articles do the same too!
5. Aviation24.be
Aviation24.be is a Belgian aviation news website that aims to inform aviators about the goings-on in their industry! The site tries to write solely on three categories: airlines, airports and manufacturers.
They do this by being the medium where you can come and read the latest new and press releases. Since 2003, the site has also hosted a forum, which is one of the most active aviation forums on the internet!
6. Flight Global
Flight Global frequently appears in many of these lists, simply due to how great the news is! Flight Global, much like Aviation24.be is a solely aviation news site, that aims to cover both the aviation and aerospace industries!
This means that, unlike many other aviation websites, Flight Global will report on military, as well as commercial aviation matters. Flight Global also publishes news surrounding space travel, such as the work by SpaceX and Virgin Galactic!
7. Runway Girl Network
In an industry increasingly controlled and operated by men, Mary Kirby is a voice for many women. Her site, RGN focuses on everything in the aviation industry, ranging from commercial to private aviation.
The site also covers the politics of the air, the safety of flying and much more! This is all combined with Mary’s personal experiences in the airline industry!
8. Flight Deck Friend
… Is as it seems. To quote the site, it is made by pilots for pilots. All of the content on the site is aimed at helping student pilots (or those who want to become pilots) become better pilots!
They also have a dedicated section, called “Ask a pilot”, which aims to answer any and all aviation questions you may have! This ranges from everything like “Why do aircraft dim the lights?” to “How much does jet fuel cost?”
9. AeroTime
AeroTime is probably the most 21st century aviation website on this list! AeroTime aims to report all major aviation events on its site, whilst also focusing on Europe and North America over other aviation areas.
AeroTime also has its own section dedicated to the business of the aviation industry. This dedicated section covers everything from the latest mergers and acquisitions, to business information of airlines and manufacturers alike!
10. NYC Aviation

NYC Aviation has come a long way since its founding. Originally, it was meant as a plane-spotting publication, focused on New York, but soon took off.
Today, NYC Aviation features one of the most well renowned forums on the internet, plane-spotting guides and user generated aviation photography! The site also produces several articles a quarter, that are often well received by most aviation fans!
11. AeroSavvy
AeroSavvy produce the sort of articles other avgeeks want to read! All of the posts are written by world renowned cargo pilot Ken Hoke, who flies for a major cargo airline.
The site is aimed at general av geeks, however, there is a lot of pilot-related content. Probably owing to Ken’s experience as a cargo pilot. Even among the pilot-related content, much is aimed at cargo pilots. It’s truly fascinating to read!
12. AirlineGeeks
AirlineGeeks is an aviation news publication aimed at av geeks in particular. The content covers anything and everything worth mentioning in the airline industry today!
AirlineGeeks often focuses on North American and European aviation over other places in aviation. However, that is not to say that the site will not talk about anything that’s aviation-related, but isn’t in these regions!
13. The Aviation Geek Club
Swiss military aviation blog, The Aviation Geek Club, TAGC for short, is the most widely read military aviation blog. TAGC writes about everything military aviation-related, and is not afraid to show that!
TAGC is one of the most widely regarded military aviation websites ever built thanks to its daily updates. Not only does TAGC cover the latest military aviation news, but also the best stories from all eras of military aviation!
Which are the best aviation websites in your opinion? Tell me in the comments!